
律动《Sing s song》



俗话说,手中无网看鱼跳。。每一位任课幼儿园的老师都希望小朋友们能在幼儿园学到知识,为了提升学生的学习效率,准备教案是一个很好的选择,有了教案才能有计划、有步骤、有质量的完成教学任务。您知道幼儿园教案应该要怎么下笔吗?下面的内容是小编为大家整理的律动《Sing s song》,欢迎您阅读和收藏,并分享给身边的朋友!

活动名称:律动《Sing s song》


1、通过利用各种游戏活动让幼儿反复听、说、读、练,在游戏活动中学习并掌握律动“Sing s song!”





T:“Goodmorning children!”

C:“Goodmorning melody!”








What's this ?

大班英语教学What's this ?

名称:What's this ?

要求:1、能听懂句型“What’s this?”,会用“It’s a……”句型回答问题。

2、复习单词:monky、ra it、cat、dog、panda、elephant、tiger、wolf、bird、fish



过程:一、Please stand up.

Trun back.

Let’s say “Good morning,teacher.”

There’re many teachers at here,we’re ha y and gay.

Now. Let’s sing a song《Hello,Good morning》.

Turn back.

Sit down please.

二、T: Today is Thursday.

What’s the weather like today?

C: It’s fine.

T: On, it’ fine.

Let’s go to the zoo,ok?

C: Ok!

T: Let’s riding in my car. Are you ready?


1、 Oh, how beautiful it is?

Look, what’s this?

— It’s a panda.(集体 — 个2人)

Yes, it’s a panda.

What’s this?

— It’s a m&;#111nkey. (集体 — 个3人)

2、 Now, listen. T: “汪汪汪”,Who’s this?

— It’s a dog.(集)(出示卡片)

— Oh, it’s a dog.

T:“喵喵喵”,Who’s this?

— It’s a cat.(集 — 第一、二组2人)

3、Look, what’s this?

— It’s a elephant.(集 — 男2、女1人)


4、Who’s coming? Look, what’s this?(老师做兔跳)

— It’s a ra it.(4人)


T: What’s this? Now, let’s read it together.

Please read after me,“sheep”.


What’s this? Please go on.

— It’s a sheep.



What’s this?

— It’s a lion.(8、9人)

四、Now, listen and act.




monky、dog、ra it、bird、tiger、wolf、elephant、fox、lion 。

2.Look and say.(按顺序读一遍)

五、We’ll play a game:《The wolf is coming》.

(老师:“The wolf is coming”幼儿要立即停止发出声音,并蹲下,否则被狼吃掉)

T: Dog!


T: The wolf is coming.



(还可以让幼儿轮流上来做)Who wants to try?

六、Now, it’s too late. Let’s go home.

Boys and girls, let’s sing a song《Good bye》.


“sing dance paly”

大班英语活动“sing dance paly”


1、能听懂并会说与活动有关的基本单词:sing dance play。

2、能听懂并会说基本句型:let’s sing. let’s dance . let’s paly 。





一、 日常对话:

1、t: good morning , children !

c: good morning , teacher !

2、sing the song “good morning!”

3、t: how are you ,today ?

c: fine, thank you . how are you ?

t: i’m fine , too .

二、 复习旧知:

1、t: last week , we have learnt something in our schoolbag . now , let’s say them again , ok ?


2、教师出示某一种学习用品,用“do you have a …?”问幼儿,请幼儿用“yes , i do . 和 no , i don’t.”来回答。

三、 学习新知:

1、教师出示卡片,提问:“what’s she doing ?”先请幼儿用中文回答,然后教师教幼儿学说“sing”这个新单词。

2、请幼儿用动作表示“sing”,并跟教师说:“sing , sing , let’s sing .”

3、用同样的方法教学“dance”、“ let’s dance ”、“paly”、“ let’s paly”。

四、 单词巩固:

1、游戏“i say and you do ”.

教师说:“one one one and two two two ,sing sing sing ,let’s sing”,请幼儿边听边跳,听到单词后迅速做出相应的动作,并保持不动。教师说另外一句,游戏依次进行。


五、 学说“快乐歌谣”





六、 结束部分:

t:today ,we sing , we dance and we play .do you feel ha y ,today ?

c: yes !

t: now , let ’s say “good bye “” to the teachers .

c: bye-bye ,teacher !

lion’s birthday

lion’s birthday


character: lion

ra it a

ra it b

teddy bear a

teddy bear b

l: hello, everyone. i’m lion. today is my birthday. i’m very ha y. i dre ed beautiful. i prepared a delicious cake for my friends. i’m busy.

r: hello, everyone. i’m ra it. today is lion’s birthday. let’s go lion’s home. (song: walking, walking, walking, walking, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, now let’s go, now let’s go.)


l: who?

r: i’m ra it.

l: good morning, ra its.

r: good morning, lion. how are you?

l: i’m fine, thank you. come in please.

r: thank you.

r: ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are. we hope you like.

l: thank you. sit down please. please, please(拿出一些吃的请小兔子们吃)

r: thank you.

teddy bear : hello, everyone. i’m teddy bear. today is lion’s birthday.

we prepared a present for him. let’s go lion’s home. (song: teddy bear, teddy bear, walk, walk, walk. teddy bear, teddy bear, hop, hop, hop, teddy bear, teddy bear, run, run, run, teddy bear, teddy bear, jump, jump, jump. )


l: who?

b: i’m teddy bear.

l: good morning, teddy bears.

b: good morning, lion. how are you?

l: i’m fine, thank you. come in please.

b: thank you. ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are.

l: thank you. sit down please. please, please. (拿出一些吃的请小熊吃)

l: time is up. let’s enjoy the birthday cake, ok?

b,r,l: (最后齐唱生日快乐歌)song: ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you.

teddy bears, ra its: ha y birthday lion.

Let`s Do It .

教学活动:Let`s Do It .

教学目标:1、学会说 reading、 singing、 drawing、 dancing,并知道其意思;复习单词ru ing、 walking 、hop;


教学准备:reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing的图片各一幅

活动过程:一、Warm up :

1 Greeting——《Hello》song ;

2 Review——sing the《Ru ing》song;

二、Gue ,what am I dong ? ——reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing;



3、Game : 《I say , you do》

If I say “reading”, you are reading; If I say “singing”, you are singing……

三、Look at the pictures ,and follow me say the words;and tell me what`s the words ` meaning .

1、Practice :Game《I do ,you say》

If I am reading, you say the word “reading”; If I am singing, you say the word “singing”……

2、Game《Traffic lights》

Teacher: If I point to green light , you should follow me say the word (reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing), If I point to red light , you should be no voice .

四、Game : 《Wood man》

All the children make a big circle , sing a song ,when I say stop , you should be a wood man , do nothing .

五、Cla is over: sing《 Say Good bye》

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