
大班:This little pig went to the market



宜未雨绸而缪,毋临竭而掘井。作为一位幼儿园教师,我们希望能让小朋友们学到更多的知识,为了更好的学习,一般教师都会在授课前准备教案,教案对教学过程进行预测和推演,从而更好地实现教学目标。怎么才能让幼儿园教案写的更加全面呢?下面是小编帮大家编辑的《大班:This little pig went to the market》,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

大班英语公开课:This little pig went to the market 上海冰厂田幼儿园碧云部 邹悦

公开活动:This little pig went to the market 目标:1、通过英语游戏及配对练习,理解学习儿歌。2、体验儿歌的趣味性,通过情境游戏大胆地进行表达表演。 准备:英语CD,儿歌背景图片,装扮材料, 流程:


1、Warm up: 歌曲< To market>

2、(教师出示儿歌背景图片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?


C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig. 二、理解学习儿歌

1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Let’s listen to the rhyme together!


T:What did you get from the rhyme?

2、T: Let’s enjoy it again! This time, listen carefully. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?

欣赏儿歌第二遍( 教师边念边表演)

T:What did you get from the story?



T: Which pig went to the market? 然后请一名幼儿送小猪回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我会请几名幼儿说说选择的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子们没说出来的内容,我就直接提醒比方说Which little pig had roast beef? 先请孩子送小猪,送好整体幼儿练习2遍,行么?)

3、T: Let’s listen it again. Please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second… (把字母贴在小猪身上排序,理清儿歌的顺序。)


(1) 教师说图片内容,幼儿说图片序列。然后交换

T:Let’s play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: “This little pig went to the market.” You should tell me No 1.

T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.


T:I’ll divide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.


(第一遍我点背景图片,幼儿按顺序念儿歌;第二遍做动作,鼓励幼儿边念儿歌边做动作。) 三、儿歌表演


Group 1: You can clap your hands.

Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?


2、Let’s play a game



幼儿园大班英语教案:This little pig went to the market

大班英语公开课:This little pig went to the market上海冰厂田幼儿园碧云部 邹悦公开活动:This little pig went to the market目标:1、通过英语游戏及配对练习,理解学习儿歌。2、体验儿歌的趣味性,通过情境游戏大胆地进行表达表演。


一、引出儿歌1、Warm up: 歌曲< To market>

2、(教师出示儿歌背景图片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?

(鼓励幼儿大胆说说图片上的内容。)C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig.

二、理解学习儿歌1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Let’s listen to the rhyme together!

(播放CD)欣赏儿歌第一遍T:What did you get from the rhyme?

2、T: Let’s enjoy it again! This time, listen carefully. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?

欣赏儿歌第二遍( 教师边念边表演)T:What did you get from the story?


T: Which pig went to the market? 然后请一名幼儿送小猪回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我会请几名幼儿说说选择的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子们没说出来的内容,我就直接提醒比方说Which little pig had roast beef? 先请孩子送小猪,送好整体幼儿练习2遍,行么?)3、T: Let’s listen it again. Please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second… (把字母贴在小猪身上排序,理清儿歌的顺序。)贴好以后玩两个游戏(1) 教师说图片内容,幼儿说图片序列。然后交换T:Let’s play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: “This little pig went to the market.” You should tell me No 1.

T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.


T:I’ll divide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.

4、完整念儿歌(第一遍我点背景图片,幼儿按顺序念儿歌;第二遍做动作,鼓励幼儿边念儿歌边做动作。)三、儿歌表演1、2组幼儿分别上前表演Group 1: You can clap your hands.

Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?

Change2、Let’s play a game幼儿把自己装扮成小猪,然后进行游戏表演。

幼儿园中班英语教案:This little pig went to the mar







1、Warm up: 歌曲

2、(教师出示儿歌背景图片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?


C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig.


1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Let’s listen to the rhyme together!


T:What did you get from the rhyme?

2、T: Let’s enjoy it again! This time, listen careful. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?

欣赏儿歌第二遍( 教师边念边表演)

T:What did you get from the story?



T: Which pig went to the market? 然后请一名幼儿送小猪回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我会请几名幼儿说说选择的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子们没说出来的内容,我就直接提醒比方说Which little pig had roast beef? 先请孩子送小猪,送好整体幼儿练习2遍,行么?)

3、T: Let’s listen it again. Please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second… (把字母贴在小猪身上排序,理清儿歌的顺序。)


(1) 教师说图片内容,幼儿说图片序列。然后交换

T:Let’s play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: “This little pig went to the market.” You should tell me No 1.

T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.


T:I’ll divide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.





Group 1: You can clap your hands.

Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?


2、Let’s play a game




Teaching style: New le o

Teaching Time: One

Teaching aims:

1.To learn some new words about farm: mouse, pig, fox.

2.To learn a poem: These are grandma's gla es.

Language points: The new word and po e ive's.

Difficult points:

1.The po e ive's.

2.The poem: These are grandma's gla es.

Teaching aids: Computer, tape and some word cards.

Teaching methods: Communicative a roach

Blackboard design: These are Grandma's gla es.

Teaching ste :

Step1 Warm up:

1.Sing the song together "Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes".

Sing and do the actio 2 times.

2.Listen and do the actio :

Touch your nose/ head/ legs/ feet/...

Ask some to come to the front to act.

Step2 Review

T points to self and introduces:

This is my body. This is my head. These are my eyes...

Let's point to themselve and repeat.

Then ask some to introduce themselves in grou .

Step3 Look, listen and repeat.

Look at the screen: A car.

Let's look at the screen and gue what we'll learn this le on.

1.Teach the words "pig". Read and repeat.

Then read one by one or read in pairs.

2.T asks "How do you go to a farm?"

can a wer with the words we've learnt before.

T elicits the new word "motorbikes" and let gue the meaning.

Read and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of "pig".

3.T"Now let' go to the farm ,let's go to see the animals."

Let's guess the meaning of "animals".:"fox".

Read and repeat.

4.Show the slides of "pig, fox" ,read and repeat.

Pay attentio to the pronunciation of" mouse".

Step4 Read and repeat.

1.Look at the card and read the new words one by one.

2.Look at the some cards.

read in pairs. Check each other.

3.Look at the card: The farm.

Let's say out the words again.

4.Show the word cards one by one , let say out them as quickly as they can.

The Let's try to make some sentences with the new words in Chinese and English.

Step5 Say and do the actio

Look at the card: The poem.

1.Play the tape, listen to the poem 2 times.

2.T says the poem sentence by sentence with actio :

For example:

These are Grandma's gla es: mime gla es on eyes.

This is Grandpa's hat: mime putting a hat on the hat.

Grandma, Grandma folds her arms: folds arms...

Let's guess the meaning.

3. Explain for the . Pay attention to "Grandma's/Grandpa's", give some other examples: Amy's..., Deming's..., my father's...

4.Teach the poem line by line.

5.Play the tape again, and let try to repeat several times.

Then clap and say together.

Gra the new words we've learnt today and try to say the poem fluently.

英语活动教案――学习《P Pig》


1、通过利用各种游戏活动让幼儿反复听、说、读、练,在游戏活动中学习并掌握英语字母:“P”、英语单词:“Pig”的正确发音及译义,理解短语:“Close the window”的实际译义




1、活动开始,师幼例行问候,引起幼儿英语活动的兴趣,并进行热身运动《come here go there》。





4、律动教学。教授幼儿短语“close the window”的实际译义及相应的动作。


感谢您阅读“幼儿教师教育网”的《大班:This little pig went to the market》一文,希望能解决您找不到幼儿园教案时遇到的问题和疑惑,同时,yjs21.com编辑还为您精选准备了幼儿园大班大班体育游戏专题,希望您能喜欢!


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活动目标: 1、通过英语游戏及配对练习,理解学习儿歌。 2、体验儿歌的趣味性,通过情境游戏大胆地进行表达表演。 活动准备:英语CD,儿歌背景图片,装扮材料, 活动流程: 一、引出儿歌 1、Warmup...

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活动设计理念: 1、引人入胜的故事能激发幼儿的好奇心和想象力,因此,听故事和讲故事是幼儿学习语言最有效的途径之一。 2、以英语故事活动为主,整合其它儿童感兴趣的游戏活动,促进全面能力发展。 3、英语教...

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