
Amazing shapes



俗话说,凡事预则立,不预则废。为了使每堂课能够顺利的进展,教师通常会准备好下节课的教案,因此,老师会在授课前准备好教案,教案可以帮助学生更好地进入课堂环境中来。那么如何写好我们的幼儿园教案呢?为满足您的需求,小编特地编辑了“Amazing shapes”,但愿对您的学习工作带来帮助。

Amazing shapes (2)

Teaching aim to learn shape heart.star.

to review shape circle.tringle.rectangle.oval.square.

sentence; to review; what shape did you see?I see......

to lear what shape is this? this is a......

to understand;can you find a shape like this and tell me what name it is?

Teaching aid ome shapes card.medie.brown bear.sticks

Teaching proce 1st;warming-u a.Let's do finger plays.b.greetings.

2nd resentation.a.Let's watch cartoon (to review shapes and sentence;what sha Yjs21.CoM

did you see? I see a......)

b.Let's learn the new shapes (heart .star.)

c.Let's learn the sentence;what shape is this ?This is a...

d.Let's sing a song.

3rd.Good -bye a.TPR;-can you make a big circle for me? (everybody hands in

hands make a big circle.)

-can you make another shapes? use you body language,ok?

b.Say bye-bye to all the shape ye-bye star ...etc...


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