
Where are you



优秀的人总是会提前做好准备,在每学期开学之前,幼儿园的老师们都要为自己之后的教学做准备。所以,很多老师会准备好教案方便教学,教案可以帮助学生更好地进入课堂环境中来。你知道如何去写好一份优秀的幼儿园教案呢?下面的内容是小编为大家整理的Where are you,供大家借鉴和使用,希望大家分享!

内容:《Where are you ?》

目的:1.词in on under beside behind



2.Banana apple cake biscuit cake fish box

3.bag book pencil-box pencil

4.cat (头饰)


1. Good morning boys and girls.(Good morning.)

2. Who am I ? (cat)

3. Yes, I am a cat !And I am a hungry cat!

4. I want to eat some fish .


1. Where is it ?

Is it on the table ? (No, it isn’t.)

What is it ?(It is an apple.)

2. Is it under the table?(No, it isn’t.)

What is it ? (It is a banana.)

3. Is it beside chair?(No, it isn’t.)

What is it ? (It is a cake.)

4. Is it behind chair? (No, it isn’t.)

What is it ? (It is a biscuit.)

5. Where is it ?

Is it on the paino?

Oh, here’s a box on the paino.

Let me take a look.

6. Who can find it ? Please. Anyone?

7. Oh,it is in this box.

8.Oh,it’s time to go to school.


1. Where is my bag?

2. Who wants to help me?

(It is behind the chair.)

3. Wher is my book?(It is under the chair.)

4.Where is my pencil-box?(It is on the table.)

5.Where is my pencil?(It is in the pencil-box.)

6.What a silly cat!!

7.Thank you ,Thank you ,Thank you very much!


1. Now ,let’s play a game.

2. Who wants to try ?

3. Listen, we are have fuor tables.And a pencil for each of table.

4. Are you ready?(Yes ,sir.)

5. Ok.follow the instraaction.

Put it on the chair……You last(the game)You are winner(the game)

6.Who wants to be a teacher?Please.

7.Once again.

Game《go go go》

1. Last ,let’s play a game with your father and mother.

2. stand up (找自己的爸爸和妈妈)

3. Are you ready?(Yes,sir.)

4. Ok, game begain.

(1) go go go ,go go go ,stop.

(2) Stand beside the window.

(3) Stand behind the chair.

(4) Stanf on the chair…………..


1. Last,Let’s say a rhyme..

2. Are you ready?(Yes ,sir.)

3. Listen to the music.

4. Left left right right ,go ,turn a round ,go go go.

On on on the head

In in in the hand

Behind behind behind the back

Under under under the chair

5.Ok ,so much for today.Bye bye.


句型“Where is … ? /Here it is”

句型“Where is … ? /Here it is”

Teaching aids :

1. 能够理解句型“Where is … ? /Here it is” 。


Teaching arms :


Teaching procedures :

一、 Warm up


T : Hello . Good morning , boys and girls .

C : Hello . Good morning , Kim .

T : What’s the weather like today ?

C : It’s Sunday .T : Who is not here ?

C : Nobody .

二、To learn

1. 复习句型句型“Where is … ?”

T : Where is Tom ?

Tom : I am here .

老师多次询问**在哪,帮助幼儿复习句型句型“Where is … ?”

2. 游戏:猜猜看。


3. 学习句型“句型“Where is … ? /Here it is””

T : Where is pen ? 将实物散落在桌子上,请一个幼儿上前,根据老师的指令找出相对应的实物。

T : Here it is .


4. 游戏

(1)请五、六个幼儿手拿一件实物,听好老师的指令,当说到Where is pen,手拿pen的幼儿就向前一步,并说Here it is . 找出相对应的实物。

(2)幼儿合作游戏,一个问Where is pen?一个找到pen,并说Here it is .


T : Today , we learn the sentence“Where is … ? /Here it is”

Do you like to eat

Do you like to eat


1.初步学习单词banana和orange,复习apple、pear的发音,复习歌曲Good morning.

2.初步感知sweet 和Do you like to eat? 的含义。





1.复习歌曲“Good morning to you.”

T: good morning, boys and girls. Let’s sing the song “good morning to you”, Ok?

C: Ok.


T: Look! I have a beautiful basket. There are some fruits in it! Look, that’s…

C: 香蕉

T: Yes, This is a banana.


T:(尝一口)Banana is sweet. Follow me. Banana is sweet. Do you like to eat banana?

C: Yes.

T: If you want to eat banana, Let’s sing the song “I like banana.” Ok?

C: Ok.

T: Ok, very good!


Monkey: Mrs. Gao, Miss Gao.

T: Let’s have a look, what’s coming?

C: Monkey.

T: Monkey, Yes!

M: I want to eat…(着急说不出来)

T: Oh, The Little monkey wants to eat the banana, but she can’t speak English.

Can you say it in English? Let’s tell her together, Ok? Ok, what’s this?

请幼儿一起说:This is a banana

T: Yes, Monkey. Banana, Do you know?

M: Yes, I know.

T: If you want to eat the banana, you’ll say it in English once more. I’ll give

it to you, ok?

M: Ok! I want to eat the banana.

T: Ok, here you are. Bye.

M: Bye, Thank you

T: You’re so great to help the monkey to solve the problem. Now I’ll introduce a

good friend to you.

QiQi (手偶琪琪): Good morning children. Today I bring you a kind of fruit, I’ll give

it to you, but I want to tell you it’s English name before I give it to you. But

I can’t speak English.

T: It doesn’t matter, Now, I’ll teach you the word. Then let’s teach Qi Qi

together, Ok?

C: Ok.

T: Orange, orange, orange is sweet.

What do you like? Do you like to eat orange?

Please say it to your friends beside you.

请小朋友之间相互说:“I Like orange. This is an orange.

T: Now, Do you know what this is? What’s this?

C: Orange.

T: Ok, Let’s tell QiQi together. This is an orange.

Qi: I know I know. This is an orange. It’s for you.

C: Thank you, Qi Qi.

Qi: You are welcome

T: Let’s play a game, I’ll ask one of you to touch in my basket. Then you’ll

tell the other friends. What have you touched. Ok?

C: Ok.

T: What’s this?

C: Apple (orange, pear, banana).

T: Oh, The fruits are sweet. Do you want to eat?

C: Yes.

T: Ok, Let’s sing the song “I like fruits”, Ok?

C: Ok.

T: Ok, before eating the fruit you must say: “I like…”, understand?

C: Yes.

T: Ok, come here.


一、 延伸




What do you have?(大班)

What do you have?(大班)

What do you have?

Cla :Grad 3 I tructor:stellar



1、 学习新句型“what do you have?I have……”并尝试结合以前所学的学习用品的单词来进行表达;

2、 大胆和同伴一起用新句型对话。

Teaching Aids:

每人一个小书包 一件小围裙 小熊木偶一个



T:Good morning,boys and girls!We will begin our cla .Are you ready?(yes!)Let’s sing a song.(Hello song)


Tlease close your eyes.One two three.Open your eyes.What’s this?(老师拿出来一只书包)

S:It’s a bagpack.

T:Yes.It’s a bagpack.It’s Teddy’s bagpack.Gue !What’s in the bagpack?

S:It’s a pencil.(book pencil-box ru er)

T儿歌)What do you have?What’s do you have?

Teddy:Gue .Gue .Gue !

T:I don’t know.I don’t know.

Teddy:I have a book.I have a book.

(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)


Teddy: Have you a bagpack?Please open your bagpack.What do you have?What do you have?

T and S:Gue .Gue .Gue !

Teddy:I don’t know.I don’t know.

T and s:I have a book(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)

T:You can find a friend and ask eachother:“What do you have?”

Tet’s play a game.When the music begin,you music find a friend and stand back to back.When the music sto ,you need to turn around and ask “What do you have?”The another one anwser“I have a……”(学习用品事先已经放在小围裙里)

Tet’s sing a song.(改编自hello song)

(歌词)Hi,hello.How are you?I’m fine.I’m fine.What do you have?I have a(pencil pencil-box ru er book).How are you!How are you!

T:You are very good!See you next time.Byebye.

英语律动How are you

英语律动How are you


How are you

Hello hello how are you?Fine fine fine thank you.


Hello hello how are you?Oh just so so .


Hello hello how are you?No I am terrible.



Round and round the garden 绕着花园走呀走(用手指在孩子掌心画圈)

Goes the little mouse 小老鼠不停的走(继续画圈)

Up up up he cree  向上,向上,它向上爬(手指沿着孩子的胳膊往上爬)

Up into his house.爬进了它的家(挠挠孩子的胳肌窝).

Five fingers

One finger,one finger,point,point,point.一根手指点点点。

Two fingers,two fingers,cut,cut,cut.两根手指剪剪剪。

Three fingers,three fingers,miaow,miaow.miaow.三根手指喵喵喵。

Four fingers four fingers,touch,touch,touch.四根手指摸摸摸。

Five fingers,five fingers,on the desk.五根手指放桌上。

Let's make friends(让我们交朋友)

Hello,hello,how do you do?

What's your name?What's your name?

My name is Mark.My name is Mark.

And what's your name?

My name is Body.My name is Body.

Let's make friends,let's go to play

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目的:1.词inonunderbesidebehind 2.通过英语游戏提高幼儿对英语学习的兴趣。 准备:1.圆桌,方桌(各一张)椅子(两把) 2.Bananaapplecakebiscuitcake...

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教学组织形式:小组型教学策略参与教学策略课前训练:朗读儿歌。信息来源实物录音字母和单词卡片教师授课行为学生学习行为 采用的策略和方法辅助手段一.引入1.Learnthenewwords--classr...

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内容:《Whereareyou?》 目的:1.词inonunderbesidebehind 2.通过英语游戏提高幼儿对英语学习的兴趣。 准备:1.圆桌,方桌(各一张)椅子(两把) 2.Bananaa...

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句型“Whereis…?/Hereitis” Teachingaids: 1.能够理解句型“Whereis…?/Hereitis”。 2.能积极参与游戏活动,激发幼儿对英语活动的兴趣。 Teachin...

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下面是《句型“Whereis…?/Hereitis”》的内容一文,给你带来丰富精彩的内容,欢迎阅读!Teachingaids: 1.可以或许明白句型“Whereis…?/Hereitis”。 2.能努...

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