





2、of good news: The Dragon Boat Festival the same day, the first two digits of the phone is 13 users can go to the free on-street stalls for dumplings, of course, prior to being applied and who runs the burn ointment to Pvent the water pouring i

3、would like to take you do not have been so open, you smell is so charming, your body is very uniform, Xiangyao you a good, really delicious dumplings。

4、Although your body good, but Qu Yuan said: more physical activity, less mahjong can eat dumplings every day health!

5、Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let me know you; Passions, reminds me of you; Friendship, let us together; Information, let me have to send you; Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy...

6、There is separation, there is reunion. The longer the separation, the more intimate it is. I want to tell you that I miss you very much this Dragon Boat Festival.


8、May your mood be happy, your work be successful, your wealth be rich, your friendship and love be sweet, and your life be happy.

9、wish you a happy and happy life in the Dragon Boat Festival.


11、Eat rice dumplings, the four seasons of happiness, wrapped in a year of health hope.

12、Wanshuiqianshan "brown" is the situation, Qu Yuan said thank you, Dano look at the dragon boat fun, friendship maintain a distance.

13、Dragon Boat Festival is happy to accompany you every day, good luck with you every second!


15、Dragon Boat Festival to give you an omnipotent "Dumplings", only the Dragon Boat Festival food. Food Psentation: well-being followed by the wind, troubled run hastily; knowledge inexhaustible, inexhaustible supply of money; luck heyday of the lottery that is the one to buy.

16、The blessing is continuous and brings joy to the world. Wish Dragon Boat Festival happiness unlimited!


18、Qingqing leaf wrapped in the true feelings, I hope you have a good mood, happy Dragon Boat Festival.

19、It smells warm, tastes sweet, swallows happy, aftertaste happy, Dragon Boat Festival happy!

20、peach son red, apricot yellow, fifth is the son of DuanYang, zongzi incense, packet five grain, wrapped candy strip a zongzi, a happy life million older, wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!


22、The Dragon Boat Festival arrives, hangs the sachet, eats the zongzi, every household is really lively!

23、May flowers and green leaves accompany you to decorate your gorgeous life. May you have a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

24、some people worry wanderer don't call stray, someone accompany cry not call sad, someone cherish affection called love, someone Shared joy is called happiness, wish you happy, happy Dragon Boat Festival!

25、day I pack dumplings in their own hands, we should see a good package, but I do not know for a long time what point package of meat into the good。 Until I suddenly saw you, I decided to pack it into the points Zhu Tourou。

26、smile sorrow run, two troubles away, three smile smile good mood, four laugh unchanged old, five, six smile smile high enthusiasm around seven laughing, happy, happy to eight, nine smile smile income, is ten merlot step unfettered, Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

27、Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival and good health!



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