



“Facts speak plainer than words.”点击查看幼儿教师教育网编辑为您准备的关于“英语名言警句”的全部资料,欢迎你借此机会深入思考一下自己的内心世界。学习名人智慧让我们更加有目标,名人格言将引领我们走向成功的道路让我们成为真正的赢家。


1、although patience and persistence is a painful thing,but it can gradually bring you good。忍耐和坚持虽是痛苦的事情,但却能渐渐地为你带来好处。

2、唯一真正的错误是我们不能从中学到任何东西的错误。 -约翰·鲍威尔

3、Every day of thy life is a leaf in thy history.生命中的一天就是你历史上的一页。

4、honesty is the lifeblood of life, is the foundation of all values.

5、Only way but a person with lofty love of that kind of love is beautiful, worthy of praise.

6、honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. - Jefferson

7、with more sincerity, with less means. Yun Daiying's the cultivation of sociality

8、All are brave when the enemy flies.

9、don’t lose faith,as long as the unremittingly,you will get some fruits。不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果。

10、If the short cut to learning, it also must be diligent.如果说学习有捷径可走,那也一定是勤奋。

11、Where there is a will,there is a way.

12、Taking the first step stars thousand-mile journey.千里之行始于足下。

13、Comfort is the enemy of achievement.

14、A happy family life is a wonderful asset for any one.快乐的家庭生活对每个人都是很大的一笔财富。

15、Facts speak plainer than words.

16、Its not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.

17、if you want others to be honest, you should first of all be honest. - Shakespeare

18、If a scholar wants to declare his righteousness, he must read his books first.

19、Human finally invented love, and make it as the most perfect human religion.

20、experience of first love is charming, but stand the test of love is priceless.

21、Beauty lies in lover"s eye.

22、The most noble human behavior is "dedication", in the world the most warm power is called "love".

23、If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread.假如生活就像一床被子, 那么爱就是其中的线。


24、Call back white and white back.

25、way to make Kushiro when I have gone out of the part-time basis.- Byron

26、I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. 做自己命运的主人及灵魂的统率。

27、A man who neglect his studies in youth will regret in later years.

28、Different trades are separated as by mountains.

29、People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing that’s why we recommendit daily.

30、If love is not wrong, wrong is in love with you.

31、The kiss of life is a love poem.吻是恋爱生活上的一首诗。

32、Great hopes make great man.

33、Why life rarely see the legendary everlasting, epic love story?

34、The most immoral part of human beings is dishonesty and cowardice. Gorky

35、-Mark Twain(马克?吐温)

36、Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps.

37、words must have faith, but time must be, and the world is high. - Huainan Zi

38、A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.

39、Love laughs at locksmiths. ----Colman 爱情嘲笑锁匠。

40、Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in ear nest.(Mark Twain,American novelist)

41、Wisdom is better than gold or silver.

42、time is my property, my time is the Tian Mu. - Goethe

43、Love is the flame of life, without it everything will become the night.

44、the time away, time to abandon him. - Shakespeare



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dn't give up and dn't give in.您是否在收集有关的名人格言呢?名人的名言可以提醒我们保持身心的健康和平衡,名人格言能够激发我们对知识的热爱和追求。如果你需要一些帮助或建议英语名言名句可以是一个不错的选择,希望对大家有所帮助!...

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Sharp tools make good work.工欲善其事,必先利其器。~~想和朋友分享?请阅读由编辑为你编辑的英文励志名言警句(分享22句),欢迎阅读,希望你能够喜欢并分享!...

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