



I need to take breaks during the exam.~~有哪些类似的句子推荐呢?下面是幼儿教师教育网的编辑精心整理的"最新听说考试文案(经典153句)",相信你能从中找到需要的内容!


1、What kind of vocabulary should I focus on before the exam?

2、Please do not leave the exam room until the teacher tells you to.

3、Please do not talk to anyone else about the exam until everyone has finished.

4、What is the main message that the speaker is trying to convey?

5、How does the author use irony in the story?

6、Please make sure to check your work before handing in the exam.

7、What are your thoughts on the importance of creativity?

8、To be honest, I'm not sure.

9、Can I get a refund if I fail to attend the English listening and speaking test?

10、How can I improve my ability to detect subtle shades of meaning in complex sentences?

11、The exam will be administered by a qualified examiner.

12、Could you recommend strategies for taking the speaking test?

13、Can I discuss the exam content with others after taking it?

14、What is the significance of the antagonist's motivation?

15、What are your goals for the future?

16、Excuse me, could you speak a bit louder?

17、What is your opinion on gun control?

18、Can you give me some tips on how to improve my English speaking skills?

19、What was the main topic of the text we just heard?


20、What is your opinion on immigration?

21、I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

22、Can you discuss a time when you had to be a role model?

23、Can I take the English listening and speaking test in a group?

24、I'm not comfortable with my response.

25、I will try my best to answer the question.

26、What are the consequences of cheating on the exam?

27、What happens if my internet connection fails during the online English listening and speaking test?

28、Sorry, I'm having trouble understanding the question. Could you give me a hint?

29、The exam will last for three hours.

30、I'm worried I won't have enough time to complete the listening section. How can I manage my time effectively?

31、How many sections are there in the English listening test?

32、What is the significance of the antagonist in the plot?

33、You will receive your grade for the exam in two weeks.

34、Will I receive feedback on my English listening and speaking test?

35、Can I take a break during the English speaking test if I am having difficulty?

36、This is a multiple-choice question.

37、I need to practice speaking in front of a group.

38、How does the passage relate to the theme of the text?


39、What should I do if I experience technical difficulties during the exam?

40、I need to pay attention to the details during the exam.

41、I think I need some more information before I can give a complete answer.

42、Can different accents be used during the English speaking test?

43、Your final grade will be calculated based on your performance on the exam.

44、How can I improve my grammar usage on test questions?

45、Are there any dress code requirements for the English listening and speaking test?

46、Please make sure to follow the directions for each section of the exam.

47、How can I expand my knowledge of cultural references in English?

48、My point of view is that...

49、Can you rephrase this sentence?

50、Please make sure to write your name and date of birth on the answer sheet.

51、That's a bit complicated. Could you break it down into simpler terms?

52、Let me make sure I'm interpreting this correctly.

53、Can you recommend any English language movies or TV shows to watch for language practice?

54、Please make sure to bring your ID card with you to the exam.

55、Do I need to speak loudly during the English speaking test?

56、You must finish the exam on time, even if you have not completed all the questions.



58、The exam will involve problem-solving skills.

59、Can you discuss any cultural differences you have experienced while using English in a real-life situation?

60、You will not be allowed to leave the exam room once the exam has started.

61、The exam will involve using language that is formal.


63、The exam will be divided into different sections.

64、How can I know that my English listening and speaking test scores are valid?

65、How does the author use the protagonist's flaws to create tension?

66、Sorry, I'm a bit lost. Could you explain it differently?

67、What's the significance of this passage?

68、Should I take any breaks during the exam?

69、How can I handle my nerves during the exam?

70、How long will I have to speak during the English speaking test?

71、Which adjective best describes the main character in the story?

72、Is there a limit to how many times I can take the English listening and speaking test in a year?

73、I'm not quite sure what you mean. Could you elaborate?

74、I feel nervous about the exam.

75、Can you recommend any resources for practicing my listening and speaking?

76、I need to review the vocabulary words before the exam.


77、I need more information to answer that question.

78、What do you think is the most important quality in a person?

79、Can I practice my listening and speaking skills on my own, or do I need a partner or tutor?

80、Can you talk about a time when you had to work in a team?

81、Is it possible to reschedule the English listening and speaking test if I have an emergency?

82、What qualities do you think are important for a good leader?

83、Sorry, I lost track of the conversation.

84、Can you identify the main analogy in the passage?

85、Do you think knowing a second language can improve your career prospects?

86、Will I need to write any essays or paragraphs during the exam?

87、What happens if I am late for the English listening and speaking test?

88、I think I need to review the material before I answer that properly.

89、I don't think I'm equipped to answer that. Can I pass?

90、How will I be able to assess my own performance during the exam?

91、What is the relationship between the two characters in the dialogue?

92、Is there a minimum pass score for each section of the English listening and speaking test?

93、Please speak clearly and loud enough to be heard.

94、How does the author use symbolism in the story?

95、The exam will be divided into different levels of difficulty.


96、Can I use my own computer or laptop for the online English listening and speaking test?

97、Could you summarize the main points for me?

98、You are not allowed to leave the exam room before the end of the exam.

99、I need to stay focused on the exam.

100、Is there a time limit for the speaking section of the exam?

101、Can you describe a time when you had to be patient?

102、The passing grade for this exam is 60%.

103、As far as I know...

104、What do you think makes a good leader?

105、I need to use my note-taking skills during the exam.

106、How far in advance do I need to register for the exam?

107、What do the exam results mean in terms of my proficiency level?

108、I want to gain more confidence and fluency in speaking English.

109、I can't think of an answer off the top of my head. Can I come back to you?


111、What is the significance of the protagonist's motivation?

112、Can you describe a memorable experience from your life?

113、How will the speaking section be assessed?

114、Can you identify the main motif in the text?


115、Please make sure to use the correct units of measurement in the math section.


117、How will I know if I have registered successfully for the English listening and speaking test?

118、Sorry, I didn't follow that. Could you repeat the question?

119、How can I know for certain that the English listening and speaking test is legitimate?

120、I need to use my critical reading skills during the exam.

121、The exam is worth a lot of marks.

122、Can you suggest ways to improve my reading comprehension of longer passages?

123、I need a bit more direction on what to do.

124、What's the meaning of this word?

125、Can you give me a second to organize my thoughts?

126、Do you think English will remain the dominant global language for the foreseeable future?

127、I need to use my intuition during the exam.

128、What are your plans for the future?

129、Can you give me feedback on my response?

130、What happens if I am absent during the English listening and speaking test?

131、How do you prefer to study for exams?

132、Will there be any group discussions during the English speaking test?

133、Will I be penalized for making mistakes or using incorrect grammar during the speaking section?


134、How does the author use foreshadowing in the text?

135、How many sections are there in the listening part of the exam?

136、I'm not confident in my answer. Can I get back to you later?

137、Can you talk about a time when you had to show cultural sensitivity?

138、No, I disagree with that statement.

139、Will I be able to see the questions and answers on a screen during the listening section?

140、I need to read the passages carefully during the exam.

141、Do you think it is important to learn a foreign language? Why or why not?

142、Could you please repeat that question?

143、Can you identify the use of simile in the text?

144、Could you introduce yourself and your hobbies briefly?

145、I need to develop my note-taking skills during listening exercises.

146、Sorry, I need more clarification before I can answer.

147、What advice would you give to someone who is just starting to learn English?

148、What kind of accommodations are available for individuals with disabilities?

149、Can I take the exam more than once?

150、The exam will involve critical analysis.

151、What are your thoughts on the importance of education?

152、I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I can answer that.

153、I need to take breaks during the exam.


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