



Wish a konka mengniu, body beauty to rejoice more associations; Life fukang robust, career~~好句子总是可以触动心灵,由此,我们为你收集并整理了劳动节的祝福语英文48句相信你能找到对自己有用的内容。


1、In the colorful world, friendship is precious. In this long holiday, I wish you happiness!

2、You know what? This long vacation is for you and me, so dont hide from me anymore. Please accept my invitation.

3、You are my nail is the board, friendship, nailed measure in traditional Chinese music; I am a line, you are a needle over line handle; You are my ship is sailing, obey the call of lucky wind. May Day, I wish you happiness!



6、On this solemn day, I wish my dear friends all the happiness and joy they have created through their labor!

7、True laborers to work as devotion to his wife did.

8、The earth the person all have a holiday, only I this text messages in overtime. It full of blessings, across many mountains, across the river to fly to your side, May 1 happy, everything!

9、How May Day? Could you easily. Recreational activities don't let go, don't miss, happy to pass, good luck to go through, want to through the troubles that crosses, more than happy, happy to spend!

10、Have your companions days, even ordinary also romantic! I wish you a pleasant journey and wuyijiekuaile.

11、Today is Labor Day, but e May.

12、wish you in the May Day, the heart like flowers in full bloom, not only to open a flower, although today is labor day, but also should pay attention to rest, maintain physical well-being. Wishing you happiness during the holidays and all the best!WWW.YjS21.cOM

13、Labor is the source of the happiness of mankind.

14、Are all in the busy at ordinary times, remember the may rest a little bit more!

15、May 1 happy wish you: the pursuit of a genuine feeling, looking for a friend, to realize a dream, care for a family, ask me to eat a big meal.


17、Once the common struggle, let us this friendship unusual precious, SMS send you miss and blessings, happy May Day!

18、May Day is coming, give your body a off, to go to play!

19、Flowers are dedicated to the hard working people.

20、Work at ordinary times is busy, want to rest no way out, rarely have a small vacation, if miss what a pity! I wish a happy labor day!

21、May Day is coming, I am going to send you five: soar, blockbuster results, bon voyage of life, very lucrative business, a lifetime of happiness! I wish a happy labor day!

22、In 1234567, a total of seven days holiday, you are going to have been bubble mould at home? Come out with me in the summer sun.


24、You have created a good life e to sleep! Hee-hee, fortable sofa, carefully savoring the leisure of the holiday. Happy Labor Day!



26、period of the May Day coming, it is very suitable for an outing, I wish you have a pleasant five a small vacation!

27、Happy International Workers Day! I wish you all a good meal, a good time and a good mood!

28、Hair message give you, career success belong to you, happy smile with you, a long and healthy life thinking of you, the last key to inform you that the god of wealth grandpa still want to see you! Happy labor day!

29、friend is like a lamp in the dark, lit up the road of life, friends like the lighthouse in the sea, to guide the way forward, you are my best friend, I wish you a happy May Day!

30、Don't be too bitter yourself, don't give yourself too much pressure, take care during the May 1 to relax myself, such ability can have everything else!

31、Work is the boat, performance is the sail, home is the harbor, holiday is shore and wash ZhengChen, zhankai smiling faces, meet happy every day! I wish you: wuyijiekuaile!


33、Sincerely wish you and your family through a happy labor day!

34、special clew: life is happiness, all want to health, a peace, must be happy, must want to me!!!!!!! Remember!

35、Wish you: Kenneth legitimate cause, the body strong as tigers, numerous money number, work without hard, like romantic music, happiness only you! May 1 happy!


37、The boundless huge crowd, you are my best friend, no matter where I go, I will remember you, May Day is coming, I wish you a happy holiday, happy happy happy happy life!

38、Wish you have moved, please in health; Wish you have a fast music, mood cheerful; Wish you have a goods have rich, decent income; Wish you to have friends have friends, life is rich. I wish a happy May Day.

39、You are my pain is a knife, cut off, you'll be covered; You are my happiness is the glue, tape you will be no worries; You are my happiness is the package, mount you can't escape; I wish you a happy May Day, happy the best!

40、Work is endless, but the body is exhausted, health is the capital of life. May Day must relax and treat yourself more kindly.

41、You have created a good life with your hard-working hands. Today is your day. Wish you a happy holiday!

42、the best way to life to pleasure than respect for labor. All the treasures that can be derived from labor, all the plight, can be relieved by labor.

43、May your efforts and spany you, good luck and you are not separated. And let me tell you, labor is the hard e, drives muddleheadedly, falls into the forest depth by mistake, vomits, vomits, startles the mandarin duck innumerable!


45、Five small long vacation, relax mood, smile hanging on his face, eyebrows slightly joy, happiness, wearing, blessing you, happy with your actions, happiness around, happy labor day.

46、May Day, blessing you, wish you happy may limit, good fortune 5, 5 health, success in 5, 5, happiness life accompanied by good luck tight!

47、I thought I was the only one who couldnt sleep. You couldnt sleep, girl.

48、Wish a konka mengniu, body beauty to rejoice more associations; Life fukang robust, career jetta backgammon; Revenue j Life fukang robust, career jetta backgammon; Revenue j Move have static, in a static dynamic, move stealthily, silent move, the world changes, bless you never change, I wish a sunny day! Sunny day every day!


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