





1、I need to stay calm during the exam.


3、I am so nervous for the final exams.

4、I will attend extra tutorial classes to prepare for the final exams.


6、I need to prepare for both the multiple-choice and essay questions on the exam.

7、I need to take deep breaths to calm myself down during the exam.


9、I'm trying not to get too stressed out as I prepare for the final exams.

10、It's important to be forgiving and patient with myself if I am not progressing as quickly or effectively as I would like during the finals period.

11、I should bring a snack with me to the final exam to help me stay alert and focused.

12、The final exams are the culmination of all my hard work and dedication this semester.

13、I'm using active listening techniques, such as summarizing and paraphrasing, to help me better understand the material for the final exams.

14、I need to monitor my eating and sleeping habits leading up to the final exams.



17、I should maintain healthy boundaries and avoid taking on too many commitments or responsibilities during the finals period to avoid burning out.



19、I need to ask my teacher for clarification on anything I don't understand before the final exams.

20、I must pass my final exams in order to move on to the next level.

21、I'm going to study with my classmates to prepare for the final exams.

22、I will not rely on luck during the final exams and will prepare thoroughly to achieve a top score.

23、I should avoid comparing myself to other students during the final exam, as everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.


25、I will keep my body well hydrated by drinking water regularly leading up to the final exams.

26、I should arrive early and take a few deep breaths before the final exam to help calm my nerves.



29、I need to bring my student ID to the exam.

30、I will consume a well-balanced diet and avoid foods that affect my concentration leading up to the final exam.


32、The final exams are a chance for me to learn from my mistakes and improve my study habits.

33、I need to wear comfortable clothing to the exam.

34、It's important to take care of my overall well-being, such as by eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly, during the finals period.

35、I should practice mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing, during the final exam to manage stress.



37、I'm going to make sure that I pace myself during the final exam to avoid running out of time.




41、I need to take a break during my study sessions for the final exam.



44、The final exams are a chance for me to demonstrate my ability to think critically and creatively.



47、It's important to take deep breaths and relax during the final exam to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

48、I need to turn off all electronic devices during the exam.


50、The final exams are a chance for me to overcome my fear of failure and prove to myself that I can succeed.


52、I need to stay accountable and dedicated while studying for the final exam.

53、I have to turn off my phone during the exam.

54、I should avoid procrastination and start studying for the final exam early.


55、I should take practice exams or quizzes with my study group to help me identify gaps in my knowledge or understanding before the final exam.

56、It's a good idea to attend a review session before the final exam to get additional help and support.



59、I need to sit upright at a comfortable distance from the screen during the final exams.

60、The final exams are a chance for me to demonstrate my understanding of the material and my critical thinking skills.

61、I need to remember that the final exam is just one part of my overall performance in the course.

62、I will reward myself after studying for the final exams to stay motivated.

63、I need to check the exam location and time before the final exams.

64、I need to be aware of any distractions during the final exam.

65、I need to get enough sleep and exercise during the lead-up to the final exam.

66、I'm doing everything in my power to prepare for the final exams, including sacrificing social activities and hobbies.

67、I am going to ask my teacher for extra help studying for the final exam.

68、I need to read the instructions carefully before starting the exam.

69、我会了解并熟悉考试题目和答题方式 的规则和要求,以使自己更好地应对考试。

70、I have to practice active reading during the final exam.

71、I'm setting achievable goals for myself as I prepare for the final exams.


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