



you are not only a qualified teacher, but also a good friend. Thank you for everything you~~好句子人人都喜欢,经过搜索整理,幼儿教师教育网为你呈现“教师节的英语祝福语怎么说摘抄”,仅供参考,欢迎阅读。



2、You are the winter of charcoal, is the heat in the shade umbrella, a stepping stone to turbulence is the beacon light amid the fog - a teacher, ah, your words and deeds, and educating people well and others with willingness and memorable!

3、the blessing is really mind, not a thousand words, no words, silently singing song, happy Teachers' day!

4、Wishing you a happy Teacher"s Day.

5、Dear teacher, your inculcation, such as the spring breeze, yong Ming my heart!

6、teacher, you enlighten me, really understand the grace of nature, from then on, I read every leaf, every cloud, every spray. Thank you. Happy holidays!

7、Sunny, warm spring gardener heart; the rain and dew, peach bud red. You've been working hard! Happy Teacher's day.

8、happy songs, always linger around you; happy age, always with you. I wish you a happy holiday!

9、have an insatiable desire to learn, tireless in teaching others, peaches and plums fragrance, it is also cozy. Bless you, happy holidays!


11、all the yearning, more integrated with endless gratitude and admiration, wish your festival is filled with bright, safe! Happy Teacher's Day!

12、spectral, lights others, exhausted themselves. The selfless dedication, a


14、Thank you for instructing my child. Happy teachers' day!


16、you hold in a moment, happiness with you a minute of every second!

17、am a green tree, bathed in the wisdom of the sun, in the soil of your knowledge, grow sturdily.

18、Clean sweep brush like when your hand kindly gave me the most gentle comfort the most sincere enlightenment. Bless you dear teacher.

19、am too pious to find words, because the two words of the teacher itself is the world's most sublime words.

20、the teacher, I will always remember your instruction to me, it is you that made me understand the truth of being a man.




23、We all like having you as our teacherYou have our respect and gratefulness

24、teacher, thank you for illuminating the journey of my life with your own light of life. Thank you very much for your kindness.

25、We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small giftHappy Teacher's Day!

26、picture of simple face, which both hard hands, as tirelessly cultivating the flowers and the gardener in your season, I wish you a happy holiday!

27、Pass a belly of knowledge, teach all over the body wisdom, sow infinite hope, kind of ten thousand happiness. Teacher, you are such a great and selfless, I worship you, respect you, thank you!

28、Although after so many years, but I still admire your teacher as Taotao, in an unbroken line...... To send my wishes, I wish a happy holiday, good luck in everything!

29、happy songs, always haunting you. May the happy years always be with you. I wish you a happy holiday!


31、You are like a third parentWe all love you and respect you


33、wish you every success and have a good mood every day!


35、gently back to Hou, do not want to disturb you! Just want to know whether everything is safe or not......

36、Teacher, maybe today, you will not think of me, but I will think of you! Wish you a happy holiday and good health!

37、It takes a hundred years, you are the engineers of human souls; three hundred and sixty lines, line with your footprint. Teacher's Day is approaching, wish the teacher health, students everywhere!

38、Gratitude to your thousands and thousands of words can not express, to you the blessing of hundreds of thousands of years will not change - the teacher, I wish you good luck in everything!


40、matter whether I will be tall and straight trees, or low shrubs. Teacher, I will


41、Teacher's day, wish all the teachers in the world: happy with you every day

42、Yesterday you were my teacher, today you are my teacher, you are still my teacher tomorrow! Yesterday, you use the truth and wisdom to shape the talent, and today I want to pour a cavity blood plated human soul. Drinking water with its source, learn to read plato!

43、you gave me the true meaning of life such as gold, after years of washing, long but more bright! Happy Teacher's Day!

44、you are a wonderful beach, overlooking the world as I picked up the beautiful shells. Happy Teacher's Day!

45、Wish the teacher happy every day, and the world; teaching, as a pleasurable occupation; Xin Deyong spread! You can't forget the students as heavy as a mountain. Borrow the teacher's day to send a blessing, I from naive to mature, can not be separated from your earnest teachings, a thousand words a sound "thank you", you are a teacher I will never, forever friends.

46、your hard work is our driving force, our success is your pride, but we will be proud of you!


48、teacher, your hard work! You let me know that "Nothing is impossible to a willing heart"!



51、good management talent is not born, but nurtured, and my growth and your concern is inseparable, sincerely thank you, sir! Happy Teacher's Day!

52、When I have been able to fly freely, teacher, you know, you are the wind under my wings wings.


54、When students are fruitful, when the peaches and plums are celebrated his victory, when we coming out of the campus, when we return to Mou to see your affectionate eyes, to pay tribute to you, selfless teacher! Wish you happy forever!

55、your voice always sounded in my ears; your teachings, always in my heart. Happy Teacher's Day!

56、is teachers' day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. this profession deserves the special recognition and respect. there is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. you have my eternal gratefulness. have a happy teachers' day.

57、Autumn, a season of how passionate. Under the warm sun, we always think of the story of childhood, the youth of the years. Also think of our side of those who have dedicated many years of dedication to the teacher - the hard life of the teacher!


59、teachings, such as spring, Shien deep as the sea, students everywhere, Chunhui four times!

60、you are not only a qualified teacher, but also a good friend. Thank you for everything you have done.


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